Canadian Academy of Audiology (CAA) University Challenge

Students – you are invited to submit a project / promotional campaign to the Canadian Academy of Audiology (CAA) University Challenge.   Every year CAA holds a student challenge where each university is challenged with thinking up and executing a unique and creative project aimed at raising awareness about audiology and hearing / vestibular health amongst the general public and other health care professionals.   The school with the winning project will be announced at the CAA Conference and Exhibition and presented with the glorious CAA University Challenge Trophy, which will reside at the victorious university until the CAA conference of the following year. The winning school will have their institution’s name engraved on the trophy. Your submission will be posted on the CAA website and audiologists across Canada will be given access to the promotional material for their own use. If applicable, the project/resource will also be used to promote Audiology Awareness Month in October.


  • Create a campaign or concept promoting the field of audiology, implement your idea and bring your vision to fruition. This can be directed at any group of individuals (e.g. public, GPs, other health professionals, etc.). Typically, this means creating some type of promotional material that can be widely shared, but there are no rules: your only limitation is your own creativity.


  • Projects can be submitted in any manner, medium, stream, or format. We ask that you include a description of how and why the project was developed. Tell us who the target audience was and how the project was implemented.


Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Originality/Creativity: does project show imagination or inventiveness?
  • Successful promotion of the profession, the value of audiology services, and/or hearing health awareness
  • Appearance of material produced: does it look reasonably professional?
  • Feasibility/usefulness of the project/resource to be used/consumed by target audience
  • Potential reach: can project/resource be shared by public/professionals?

Past Winners These past submissions give you an idea of what students have come up with in previous years:


  • Submissions must be submitted no later than April 30, 2018.  Please send submissions and questions to

Please share this information with your classmates. We look forward to your submissions and may the best school win!

English PDF

French PDF