Editor’s Corner

Thanks to the contributions to CanadianAudiologist.ca by Canadian and international researchers, we have a number of excellent well-thought out articles that should be on top of everyone’s reading or re-reading list.  In some cases these are cutting edge research articles, and in other cases are excellent overviews of complex areas of audiology, where perhaps we don’t normally tread.

Steve Aiken, our Associate Editor and I have gone through the many years of CanadianAudiologist.ca and have selected a number of articles that should be at everyone’s finger tips for either quick reference or background material.

From time to time these articles will be updated and new ones added as new research and view-points are published in CanadianAudiologist.ca. Watch for new additions every several months.

Marshall Chasin, AuD., Editor in Chief

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Accessibility, Diversity, Identity and Inclusion Hearing and Hearing Loss
Hearing Aids Hearing Conservation
History of Audiology Interviews and Perspectives
Musicians and Music Neuroscience and Electrophysiology
Pediatric and Educational Audiology Tele-Health
Tinnitus Vestibular Audiology