Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force Releases 2024 EHDI Report Card

Today, the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force (CIHTF) including the Canadian Academy of Audiology and Speech-Language & Audiology Canada released the new Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Progress Report and Position Statement.

The report reveals that seven out of 13 provinces do not provide sufficient infant hearing healthcare, resulting in health inequities for more than 1/3 of Canadian infants.

We are calling on the federal government to establish and implement national hearing healthcare guidelines for children.

Learn more: Click links for PRESS RELEASE in English and French

2024 Report Card – Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (ENG)

2024 Report Card – Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (FRE)

Visit the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force (CIHTF) website for individual regional and provincial summaries.