Clinical Research Grant 2023

Clinical Investigator Grant Instructions for Participants

I. Description

The Canadian Academy of Audiology (CAA) Clinical-Research Grant will provide support, both financial and practical, to individuals wanting to investigate a unique research question on hearing and/or balance. The successful applicant will receive the support of the CAA Science and Education Committee (SaEC) to help coordinate access to the proper resources (e.g., equipment, people, processes) to see the project to completion. Access to advanced testing facilities or established research personnel and mentors is not an application requirement.

II. Amount Awarded

  • One award of up to $5,000 or two awards of up to $2,500. This decision will be at the discretion of the CAA SaEC and will depend on the number and quality of the submitted application grants.
  • Free registration for one applicant per award at a future CAA conference of his/her choosing within five years of the award to present his/her findings during the CAA Poster and/or Podium Sessions.

III. Announcement

  1. The award recipient will be announced at the annual CAA conference.
  2. The award recipient will be notified by e-mail approximately one month following the CAA conference by a member of the CAA SaEC if the individual was not in attendance during the official announcement at the conference. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by e-mail approximately one month following the award announcement at the CAA conference.
  3. The award recipient will be announced on the CAA website and in the Canadian Audiologist magazine.

IV. Applicant Eligibility and Requirements

Applicants must at the time of application:

  1. Be a current member of the Canadian Academy of Audiology (CAA)
  2. Attempt to include a version of the application in English because of the small, possibly international, reviewer pool
  3. Limit submission to one application in which you are listed as primary applicant
  4. Be willing to provide additional information about details of the application or research proposal, as required by the SaEC

Successful applicants will be expected to:

  1. Present his/her findings at a CAA conference (registration fees to be waived for one presenter at this event only) within five years from the date of the award
  2. Publish his/her findings within five years from the date of the award
  3. Agree to be interviewed for the CAA website and the Canadian Audiologist magazine

 V. Eligible Activities

Funds associated with the CAA Clinical-Research Grant are proposed to cover only activities and supplies directly associated with new projects. This includes the salaries of assisting personnel, purchasing necessary equipment (e.g., software), attending workshops, conferences or classes, which provide learning opportunities and training directly related to research activities, subject care fees and other essential authorized expenses and supplies.

Funds may not be used to cover activities related to any ongoing or completed research projects.

Application Process and Deadline

Eligible applicants must submit the following documentation (in PDF or Word format) by August 2, 2023.

  1. Proposal (maximum 2 pages; required)
  2. Curriculum Vitae or resume for (each) investigator listed on the application, including contact information (required)
  3. Letter of commitment from research mentor (required)
  4. Letter of support from employer (e.g., use of facilities) (if applicable)

*Note: No application form is required. All submissions and queries are to be emailed to

CAA Instructions for Participants – Clinical Research Grant 2023