MAY 2022 – Hearing Month Campaign

May Month Posters

The Canadian Academy of Audiology has designed 2 posters for members to download, print and post for public education.

1. Managing Hearing Loss Reduces the Risk of Falls.

2. You might have Tinnitus. An Audiologist can help.








Click here to download posters

This March 3rd, in honour of World Hearing Day, the Canadian Academy of Audiology is pleased to share our campaign – Hearing Loss Must Be Confronted at All Ages of Life — Here’s Why – which includes an article in the Hearing and Accessibility print insert of the Toronto Star on March 3 (readership 800K+ and inclusion in the Hearing and Accessibility launch in the digital journal March 3 Health Insight: with 300 digital journal partners.  The campaign focusses on  maintaining hearing health throughout life and provides links to our FindAnAudiologist and hearing accessibility tools.

Click here for link to campaign

Click on image for PDF version of the campaign