Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Report Card 2019
The Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force has released their 2019 Report Card on the status of early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI) programs in Canada at a press conference on Parliament Hill. The 2019 EHDI Report Card exposes an alarming disparity in the hearing health services available to infants and children in Canada. The new report card also reveals that little has changed since the CIHTF’s 2014 EHDI Report Card, with Canada once again receiving an overall grade of “insufficient.”
CAA Members you can also watch the Hearing Healthcare for Infants and Children in Canada: Status of EHDI Programs webinar posted below.
Provincial and Territorial Results
While the CIHTF is pleased to report that Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Yukon have improved from insufficient in 2014 to a sufficient grade in 2019, they are disappointed to report that more than half of the provinces and territories in Canada have received an insufficient grade. In the case of two provinces (New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island), their overall grade fell from sufficient in 2014 to insufficient in 2019.
Using the Resources
We encourage members and associates to share these resources with their colleagues, other health professionals, policy-makers and community leaders to raise awareness and advocate for comprehensive EHDI programs across Canada.
April 2, 2019 Press Conference on Parliament Hill
To read the 2019 EHDI Report Card, please click on the images below.
To read the Provincial and Territorial Report Cards please click below.
Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan.
Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon
Alberta, Colombie-Britannique, Manitoba, Nouveau-Brunswick, Nouvelle-Ecosse, Ontario, Québec, Saskatchewan, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Île-du-Prince-Édouard
Nunavut, Territoires du Nord-Ouest, Yukon
For a complete overview of these findings, please visit www.infanthearingcanada.ca
The Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force, a joint effort of the Canadian Academy of Audiology and Speech-Language & Audiology Canada, is a national group of leaders and experts in matters related to early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI). The task force was formed to promote, support and advocate for comprehensive universal EHDI programs in all Canadian provinces and territories. To learn more, please visit: InfantHearingCanada.ca.
CAA & SAC Webinar: Hearing Healthcare for Infants and Children in Canada: Status of EHDI Programs
Presented: Wednesday, April 10th, 2019
Speakers: Marlene Bagatto, AuD, PhD, Aud(C) & Sheila Moodie, PhD
CAA Members watch the recording now
Early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI) programs are available worldwide to proactively address hearing health in infants and children. A report card issued in 2014 from the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force indicated that comprehensive EHDI programs were not available across Canada.
In this presentation, we will describe a status update of EHDI programs in Canada based on information gathered through a 24-item, country-wide survey. Results from this work revealed that, as a whole, Canada remains insufficient in offering comprehensive, accessible and sustainable EHDI programs. Continued action from Canada’s governments, in addition to federal policy leadership, is needed to achieve sufficient and sustainable EHDI programs.
Learning Objectives: Participants of this presentation will be able to:
- Describe the components of a comprehensive EHDI program.
- Explain the status of EHDI programs across Canada.
Level: Intermediate