WA-3: Using functional outcomes to predict vestibular loss in children.


Vestibular function is not being completed routinely in children. The prevalence of balance disorders in children is estimated to be 4.5%. Children with hearing loss are at an increased risk for vestibular dysfunction; however, not all children with hearing loss have vestibular dysfunction. The risk for vestibular dysfunction increases as the degree of hearing loss increases. While the spectrum of consequences associated with pediatric vestibular dysfunction have not been fully defined, pediatric vestibular dysfunction has been associated with significant reductions in balance and dynamic visual acuity ability. The purpose of this course is to outline children who are at risk for vestibular dysfunction, children who are candidates for vestibular testing, consequences of pediatric vestibular dysfunction, and outcomes that can be used to predict the presence of vestibular loss in children.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • List causes of pediatric vestibular loss and dizziness
  • List consequences of vestibular loss in children
  • List outcomes that can be used to predict the presence of vestibular loss in children.