
The CAA Board of Directors and committees strive to advocate for audiologists all over Canada by providing a unified perspective on issues related to the professional of Audiology. 


The CAA Board of Directors and committees strive to advocate for audiologists all over Canada by providing a unified perspective on issues related to the professional of Audiology. For example, CAA:

  • Contributes significantly to the advocacy work of the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force (CIHTF). CIHTF has a multidisciplinary research and advocacy program aimed at making early hearing detection and intervention programs available across Canada. Progress: National government and media announcements, 2 Canadian Paediatrics Society conferences and more planned, CAA conference, and planning a meeting with Federal Minister of Health.

On May 28, 2024, the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force (CIHTF) including the Canadian Academy of Audiology and Speech-Language & Audiology Canada released the new Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Progress Report and Position Statement.

The report reveals that seven out of 13 provinces do not provide sufficient infant hearing healthcare, resulting in health inequities for more than 1/3 of Canadian infants.

We are calling on the federal government to establish and implement national hearing healthcare guidelines for children.

Learn more: Click links for PRESS RELEASE in English and French

Watch Press Release Video


2024 Report Card – Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (ENG)

2024 Report Card – Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (FRE)

Visit the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force (CIHTF) website for individual regional and provincial summaries. 

  • Participates in joint initiatives with federal health funding agencies to optimize funding of hearing health services and efficient processing of claims for consumers.
  • Meets with Senators and both Federal and Provincial Members of Parliament to increase awareness of the impact of hearing loss.
  • Supports regional projects to lobby for improvements in hearing health delivery.
  • Works with the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association to connect with consumers.
  • Participated in the work to build national standards leading towards entry to practise exams for Canadian and International Audiologists to practise across Canada.
  • CAA is working with the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery to implement direct referral of patients to ENTs in all provinces to improve patient outcomes.
  • Participates in joint initiatives with federal health funding agencies to optimize funding of hearing health services and efficient processing of claims for consumers.
  • CAA is working towards a National Hearing Strategy and implementation with the Hearing Health Alliance of Canada including professional, industry, consumer and charitable organizations in hearing health across Canada.  Planning a major event in May 2020 with Federal government. Progress to last year: we met with over 150 senators, MPs and MPPs and presented an invited talk to a House of Commons Standing Committee.
  • Participated in activities leading to Bill C-81, the Federal Accessibility Act. Continuing to support implementation of recommendations.
  • The Canadian Adult Coalition will be presenting at a Family Practise conference this year.

More Awareness Building Activities

  • Places articles and advertising about Audiology and hearing health in national publications distributed to millions of Canadians through digital and print media.
  • Interviews on national and local TV plus daily social media posts. We field many queries through our Website and Journal and connect people to service providers.
  • The is a member-only benefit to connect the public with Audiologists.
  • Audiology 101 is a member-only PPT presentation for Audiologists in teach Family Practitioners and others about Hearing Health and Audiology services.

Standardized Professional Guidelines

Working alongside like-minded organizations, CAA plays an integral role in producing and maintaining practice and protocol guidelines that advance and protect the profession. In 2009, CAA, as part of the Canadian Interorganizational Steering Group for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, helped to develop and distribute Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines. In 2010, the team undertook the development of guidelines for the assessment and management of auditory processing disorders in children and adults.

Advocating Change to Legislators, Industry and Education

CAA collaborates with many organizations and associations to initiate reforms in the profession.

Ongoing relations with Federal Healthcare Partners (FHP), Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), Third Party Payers such as Blue Cross, and the NIHB Secretariat, enables CAA to affect positive change (e.g., fees) for patients/clients of audiologists. Ongoing issues discussed, but not limited to, include:

  • Client eligibility for hearing aids
  • Response time related to requests for prior authorization
  • Ability of audiologists to prescribe hearing aids for our third party payers, in particular our Non-insured Health Benefits clients
  • Appropriate fees for services

CAA’s Disability Tax Credit (DTC) Committee has also been established to advocate change to the wording contained in the eligibility criteria under the DTC as it applies to individuals who are hard of hearing. CAA has been working closely with CHHA, providing audiological expertise and support around matters related to the DTC.  CAA Members download the Tax Tips.

As part of the Concerned About Classrooms Coalition, CAA is helping to enhance the learning environment of millions of children and the vocal health of Canadian teachers.

CAA members are asked to express their issues or concerns so that CAA may continue the dialogue with its partners in hearing healthcare services.