Benefits of Membership


The CAA membership is a great value at a significantly lower cost than other national associations where Audiologists are the only voices within the organization. The Board of Directors of CAA is comprised of Audiologists making decisions and contributing to outcomes to move Audiology ahead in Canada.


Discounted Conference fees:

CAA Annual Conferences always include high quality speakers relevant to a broad range of Audiology interests.  Networking, career building and catching up on industry developments are also features that you gain at a reduced conference registration fee as member of CAA.

CAA Webinars

  • CAA members receive free access to CAA webinars by leading International and Canadian speakers in real time and the recorded version in our webinar library.
  • CAA members receive a 20% discount on the advanced online webinars designed for use in Canada provided by A.T. Still University.
  • CAA members Receive a 10% Discount on Audiology Online accessed through the continuing education courses at Continued with a member promo code
  • CAA members Receive a 25% Discount on paid training programs from Pacific Audiology Group accessed with a member promo code from here 

Blogs, Vlogs, Articles, Journal, Website, Newsletter, Research Grant and Coaching


Audiology Advocacy

The CAA Board of Directors, committees and administration strive to advocate for audiologists all over Canada by providing a unified perspective on issues related to the professional of Audiology and Hearing Health. For example, CAA:

  • Contributes significantly to the advocacy work of the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force (CIHTF). CIHTF has a multidisciplinary research and advocacy team aimed at making early hearing detection and intervention programs available across Canada. Progress: Research status of programs across Canada and published report in Canadian journal, National government and media announcements, 2 Canadian Paediatrics Society conferences and more planned, CAA conference, and meetings with Federal Minister of Health and Public Health Canada.
  • Participates in joint initiatives with federal health funding agencies to optimize funding of hearing health services and efficient processing of claims for consumers. CAA collaborates with many organizations and associations to initiate reforms in the profession.
  • Ongoing relations with Federal Healthcare Partners (FHP), Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), Third Party Payers such as Blue Cross, and the NIHB Secretariat, enables CAA and SAC to realize positive change
  • Meets with Senators and Federal and Provincial Members of Parliament to increase awareness of the impact of hearing loss and promote changes.
  • Supports regional projects to lobby for improvements in hearing health delivery.
  • Works with the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association to connect with consumers. Example is delivery of webinar and 3 Accessibility Campaigns including toolkits and support for Video Meetings, In-person Meetings and Phone Solutions.
  • Participated in the work to build national standards leading towards entry to practise exams for Canadian and International Audiologists to practise across Canada.
  • CAA is working with the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery to implement direct referral of patients to ENTs in all provinces to improve patient outcomes.
  • CAA is working towards a National Hearing Strategy and Implementation with the Hearing Health Alliance of Canada including professional, industry, consumer and other organizations in hearing health across Canada.  Planning a major event in Spring 2024 with Federal government. Progress: we met with over 150 senators, MPs and MPPs and presented an invited talk to a House of Commons Standing Committee. Developed a website including a document demonstrating the need for a comprehensive Strategy across Canada.
  • Participated in activities leading to Bill C-81, the Federal Accessibility Act. Continuing to support implementation of recommendations.
  • The Canadian Adult Coalition presented a virtual talk a live talk and an exhibit booth at the Family Practise Forum in late 2022.
  • CAA’s Disability Tax Credit (DTC)Committee has also been established to advocate change to the wording contained in the eligibility criteria under the DTC as it applies to individuals who are hard of hearing. CAA has been working closely with CHHA, providing audiological expertise and support around matters related to the DTC.  CAA Members download the Tax Tips.


Position Statements, Scoping Papers, Guidelines and Information Documents

Audiology members have access to positions statements on key topics such as Over the Counter Hearing Devices. Vestibular Assessment & Management For Canadian Audiologists: A Scoping Review, some guidelines documents and valuable clinical information documents are available to members.

SAVE! Professional Liability and Privacy Rates

  • Exclusive to CAA members, the liability and privacy insurance plans have good insurance costs, no administration fees and include great limits of liability and enhanced products.

Honours and Awards

CAA presents awards to honour outstanding professionals in a range of categories for those who have made significant contributions to Audiology, Research, Knowledge, Technology and Patient care.  This includes the prestigious President’s Award and the student awards.

Supporting Future Audiologists

  • CAA encourages the growth of our profession by supporting audiology students and early career practitioners.
  • 6 student academic award winners receive a free conference registration
  • 24 student volunteers receive free conference registration
  • Popular face to face annual networking/mentorship activity and webinar-based career guidance.
  • Opportunities to present posters, contributed conference talks and blogs
  • Students have fee and save on conference registration
  • Students gain valuable experience as members of Board committees
  • Students have published in the Canadian Audiologist online journal
  • A bursary assists with conference travel expenses for one or more students
  • Early Career graduates have lower conference registration, membership fees and most qualify for free liability insurance
  • CAA facilitates career mobility by providing an active career board and introducing members to leaders in the profession.


Public Awareness and Marketing Support

  • Over the years there has been a large outreach of public awareness of the impact of hearing loss at different stages of life and the importance of both preventing hearing loss and managing it. Awareness media through major digital journals resulted in above industry standard click through rate. Similar messaging ran In CBC daily podcasts.
  • Interviews are given on national and local TV and radio. Social media posts are frequent. We field many queries through our Website and Journal and connect people to service providers.
  • CAA provides marketing tips and materials such as posters and videos to help Audiologists support their own communication and promotional campaigns.

Audiologist’s Marketing and Engagement Resources

  • The Audiologist’s Marketing Toolkit provides an overview of basic marketing principles and ideas relevant to clinical audiologists.
  • Videos, slide shows and posters are available for Audiologists to promote hearing health in their community activities.
  • Audiology fact sheets are available to educate your patients/clients
  • Audiology101 is a member only PPT presentation for Audiologists to teach Family Practitioners and others about Hearing Health and Audiology services.
  • Audiology: Our Role in Vestibular Assessment and Management educates other professionals on the skills of Audiologists.

Find an Audiologist App

CAA Members can sign up for this self marketing app. This will enable the public to ‘Find An Audiologist’ who serves specific age groups and specialties in a defined area.

Join Or Renew Your Membership Today!

If you join CAA in the month of February, it will be valid for March 1, 2024 – Feb 28, 2025 membership year.